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Well, the game of the century was last Saturday and we arrived bright and early Saturday morning in Tuscaloosa with our game faces on ready to battle. But before the showdown actually began, were prepared for our tailgating extravaganza! We had the ultimate set-up: big screen TV, 4 canopy tents, PLENTY of good food, lots of great friends, and the perfect place to people watch for the day.
We started the extravaganza with a bang...CORNDOGS!! In case you don't know, LSU fans smell like can get the full story here. I have to admit, I think the corndogs were the highlight of the event. While we waited for THE game to begin, the rest of the afternoon consisted of watching football, snacking, and watching the people next to us change their camping portable toilet. Yes, you read that right...and of course they had to be Bama fans.
Some of the food... |
We had a great time hanging out, but of course it would have been a lot more fun had our team won.
???? |
Matching houndstooth! |
The family! |
Roll Tide!! |
Mike and I recently went to dinner with some dear friends who are newlyweds. They are a precious couple and it was so fun watching how giddy they were with each other after being married for just a few weeks. And that got me thinking about married life...
This summer Mike and I celebrated our 5th anniversary--that is craziness!! Those 5 years have flown by!!! It really seems like yesterday we were still dating! I really love being married to my best friend. We have so much fun together. In our 5 years of being married we have gotten to...
- go to Maui
- go to London, England
- go to countless Bama games
- serve and minister to a great group of students and their families
- go to Jamaica on a mission trip
- survive a bathroom remodel at our house
- walk through the trenches with each other as we both completed graduate school
- go on 3 mission trips with our students to the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina
- and the list could go on and on...
But, that is just a short list of the fun or cool stuff that we have gotten to do or be a part of. There have, however, been some lows in those 5 years. Thankfully, we have each other to lean on as we sometimes have to "walk through the valley of the shadow of death." I really don't know what I would do without Mike. He is my biggest and strongest encourager. He can always make me laugh and make a bad day better. I'm looking forward to our happily ever after.
I teach the high school girls Sunday School class at church and I have an amazing group of girls to study Word with each week. It seems like a recurring theme I share about is that God always keeps His promises. He never fails on His word and will never fail His children. I share with my girls that when we experience trials we have trust Him and lean on His promises in order to make it through. Well, I have a confession to make...I haven't been paying attention to my own Sunday School lessons. I have been wavering on believing a promise that has been spoken to Mike and me through the Scripture.
About a year ago,
the Lord revealed a piece of scripture to Mike and me that we have claimed as a promise and we are still waiting for that promise to be fulfilled. Throughout the course of this year I have doubted God's promise and have battled through my doubt. However, through my doubt, the Lord has given me a song that has been my anthem...
Oh, my God, He will not delay
My refuge and strength always
I will not fear, His promise is true
My God will come through always, always
("Always" by Kristian Stanfill)
So, regardless of my doubt, my God is unwavering. He is sovereign and His Word is stronger than any pinky promise anyone can offer.
Recently my sweet husband gave me the greatest compliment. I asked him if I looked okay and his words were, "Yeah, you look great. And Erin, you have never looked as good as you do now at this time in your life." I melted and swooned, and then we laughed because I could have definitely taken that as an insult...I mean, what was he trying to say about how I looked 5 years ago!
Mike and I have spent a decade of our lives together. We started dating in March of 2001 and got married in June 2006. I can honestly say the time that I have spent with him has been the time of my life. I knew before our first date that I would marry him and I am so grateful that the Lord set him a part for me. Mike loves me completely and totally for who I am--blond moments and all! And in return, I love him completely and totally for who he is--football obsession and all.
However, marriage isn't always peaches and cream, and I think if marriage requires one thing of us it is perseverance. In our society today it is too easy to get married and definitely too easy to get divorced. Our culture looks for an easy way out and doesn't make any excuses for it. However, the Scriptures tell us something different...
...suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope...
Perseverance is something that the Lord has taught me a lot about in the last several years--not necessarily about persevering in my marriage, but in other areas of my life. I can only pray that through my perseverance that I have developed character and a hope that reflects my Lord.
I guess it goes with out saying that as a public educator, I have faith in the public school system. Each public school has its bright spots and low lights, but overall, I believe in public schools--even in Alabama.
Recently I was in a conversation with a stranger I had just met and I told her I was a first grade teacher. She began telling me that she had a friend who had just graduated with a degree in elementary education. She continued by saying that she thought some of the courses future teachers have to take are unrealistic and useless. I didn't really say anything in response, I just shrugged my shoulders. Then I started thinking...
First of all, I wanted to kick myself because I agreed with her in my silence--which is another blog post all in itself. I wish I could have explained to her that we teachers NEED those courses that may seem useless to non-teachers. Don't parents want their children to have teachers who have background knowledge and other experiences that make them well-rounded as educators?!?
To earn my degree I had to take 4 English courses, 4 math courses, 4 history courses, and 4 science courses and then countless education courses. It goes without saying that I enjoyed some courses more so than others, but all those long hours of reading and studying different subjects have shaped me into the teacher I am today. I hope I am able to offer my students the best education I can so they can become successful in anything and everything they are passionate about.
My job is more than teaching six year olds how to add and sound out words...and I think other teachers (and probably a lot of parents) would agree.
Okay. There. I'm done ranting...Until next time...
One truth about me...I like to cook. I have to admit, I think I'm pretty good at it. I have a dear friend who is getting married in 2 months and will be living down the street from me. (I'm so excited!) However, she has mentioned several times that I am going to have to teach her how to cook. But the truth is...I don't really cook that much. I can think of a few times my friend has been over to eat, but the majority of the time its been party foods. And let's face it, party foods consist mostly of cheese, bread/chips, and more cheese. These aren't really a good judge of how good of a cook I am so I am really flattered by my friend's compliments. Plus, the menu around our house consists of pretty much the same thing week after week--spaghetti, taco salad, grilled chicken, etc. Nothing really to "teach" my friend. So in an effort to share some cooking advice with a soon-to-be newlywed and to save a little money, I'm going to start cooking more--its my New Year's Resolution--in August.
Now, to help with the dilemma of what to cook... two blogs I have recently discovered, Plain Chicken and Southern Plate are going to make my life a whole lot easier! Both blogs offer simple, easy recipes that sound delicious!! Unlike all the cookbooks I got when I got married, both authors offer southern comfort recipes with a short list of ingredients. So, I have my menu planned out for next week, all I have to do is go to the grocery store and actually follow through. We shall see how this goes...maybe I will even share some pictures of what I accomplish! :)
As a first grade teacher, my days are anything but thoughtless at this time of year. Typically, I am frantically trying to get everything ready for the first week of school. My mind races with the 50 jillion things I have to to do list grows and grows each and every day. But in the rush to be prepared I sometimes forget about the most important part...the students. I forget that I have about 20 six year olds who I will be teaching for 180 days of the next year. I forget that I might be the only hug they get. I forget that I might be the only Jesus they may see. So, as I wrap up my loose ends in the next week and finish preparing my classroom (as seen above...which is beginning to come together...but is still a work in progress), I pray that the Lord will use me not only to be an effective teacher this next school year, but to share the love of Jesus Christ in every word, smile, and action.
The last several months have spurred a lot of controversy in the media. First, the assassination of Osama Bin Laden and then the recent verdict of the Casey Anthony trial. More than likely, we will all remember where we were when we heard the news of each incident like watching OJ's white Bronco some 17 years ago . However, when the news broke of each of these recent cases, many Christians across our nation and world responded in ways that I thought were out of character.
On July 5 at about lunch time, my Facebook newsfeed was filled with hate, bitterness, and anger. One comment even referenced who Casey Anthony would be joined with in Hell. After reading these comments, I remembered the comments I had read about 2 months earlier that were joyous and celebratory after hearing of the death of Bin Laden. It seemed strange to me that Christians were rejoicing that an individual, who was created in the image of God, the same God that I (and many, many others) serve and love, was now suffering (and will for eternity) in Hell. It bothered me that so many believers were delighted that Osama was in Hell and that they were enraged that Casey Anthony didn't receive her death sentence...That got me thinking...if we really knew how bad Hell is, would we still want evil doers, such as Osama Bin Laden, Timothy McVeigh, Adolf Hitler, to suffer for eternity??
The Scriptures speak of Hell being a dark and miserable place--a place where no one would want to be for eternity, not even for a half a second. If we, including myself, really understood how terrible and permanent Hell really is, then I think we (including myself again) would do a better job of sharing the Gospel. I think too that we should be heart-broken over those who reject Christ rather than "writing them off" because they don't accept the gift offered to them. Instead, we should continue to share the love of Christ with them regardless of their decision. Thinking about all this has challenged me to take the Gospel more seriously and I hope it will challenge you too.
Preach the Gospel at all times; If necessary, use words.
--St. Francis of Assisi
- I am a germ-aphob.
- I get car sick very easily.
- I hate scary movies.
- My toenails must be painted year-round.
- If I were to go back to school and change careers, I would like to go to nursing school.
- I HATE coconut.
- 2 things that are always in my purse: lip gloss and Germ-X.
- I wish I had the life of a Food Network star...someone does all the grocery shopping, gets all the ingredients ready, and cleans up. All you have to do is show up and cook!
- I wish I was a better housekeeper.
- Orange Beach, Alabama is my favorite place on Earth.
- I love college football.
- I talk to my dog like he is a real person.
- I have an amazing in-law family.
- I knew I was going to marry Mike even before our first date (and I was even 16 at the time!)
- When my alarm clock goes off in the morning, I hit the snooze button about 10 times.
- I have absolutely no athleticism.
- I don't cough...I bark.
- I love teaching school but I enjoy my my summer break waaaaaay too much.
- My favorite color is pink.
- I have become addicted to my iPhone.
- I am a procrastinator and I hate that about myself.
- I dread going grocery shopping.
- One of my favorite things about being a teacher...all the school supplies!!
- My favorite school supply...Post-It Notes!!
- God called me into the ministry when I was just in middle school and later placed it on my heart that I would marry a minister.
- I took piano lessons for almost 10 years.
- My first job was in a pharmacy.
- I have to wear earrings at all times (well, except when I sleep)
- I love taking pictures, but I am horrible at getting them developed.
- I am not a morning person.
- I blog-stalk complete strangers.
- I have never beaten Mike at anything and it makes me sick!!
- I am addicted to checking my email.
- The shirt I wore on my first date with Mike is still hanging in my closet. (Our first date was March 16, 2001.)
- My favorite restaurant is the Bright Star.
- I am a scaredy cat, wimp, sissy, etc. and not much of a risk-taker.
- I love the smell of hardware stores.
- I almost always cry at weddings--even if I don't know the bride and groom.
- When I retire I would like to work in a bridal dress shop.
- I wish I would have gone through rush in college.
- I have highlighted my hair since I was in the ninth grade.
- I performed in a musical production group at the Alabama Theatre for 3 years while I was in middle school.
- I may not be athletic, but I am very competitive.
- Some people tried to talk me out of pursuing teaching, but I knew it was my calling.
- I have never broken a bone.
- I love reality TV.
- I watch The Today show every morning.
- I will not leave the house without make-up on.
- I was voted Second Mile Teacher for 2010-2011 for my school--such an honor!!
- I. Am. A. Beach. Bum.
- I only buy/use Crest toothpaste.
- My favorite book is The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom.
- I could eat a baked potato every day.
- I have never had a speeding ticket (at least not yet!). Praise the Lord!
- I love eating at Subway, but I think it smells like throw up.
- My dream vacation is to go the Greek Isles.
- I lived in a dorm for 3 years of college.
- I prefer Diet Coke over Diet Pepsi.
- The Paul Finnbaum Show makes me laugh.
- I have never seen the movie/musical Annie.
- I hate roller coasters.
- When I was little, it was not unusual for me to try to steal things from the store. (I got many spankings for doing so.)
- I am a Lionel Richie fan.
- I am a rule follower and I get bent out of shape when people don't follow the rules.
- I'm glad I married a man who prefers Hunts ketchup because I could not be converted to another type of ketchup--we would just have to have 2 kinds of ketchup in the fridge.
- I have to read the directions when putting something together--not because I can't figure things out, but because I am OCD.
- I laugh when people fall or hurt themselves.
- I hate taking my car to get serviced because I am afraid I'm going to get scammed because I am a woman.
- I may be a minister's wife, but I hate listening to WDJC.
- Steve Carrell always makes me laugh.
- I have a hard time telling people 'no.'
- I pick junk out of my husband's ears. (Nasty I know, but he has old-man ears.)
- I probably have more blond moments than I am willing to admit to.
- The word 'duty' makes me laugh.
- DVR changed my life.
- I avoid confrontation at all costs.
- I have mitro valve prolapse.
- Mike Stevens is the best preacher I know.
- I love to read.
- I am not a breakfast eater.
- I like to sleep late.
- I would like to learn how to play the violin.
- I have a Twitter account but I have never "tweeted."
- I can be very skeptical of people.
- I have never been to Disney World and at this point in my life I have no desire to go.
- I would like to own home on the beach one day.
- This list was a lot harder to write than I thought.
- I don't really have a favorite movie...I like a lot of different ones, but if I had to choose an all time favorite, I would have a really hard time.
- I can have bouts of road-rage.
- I have never been on a cruise, but would like to go on one some day.
- I hate going to the dentist.
- My favorite passage of scripture is Isaiah 43.
- My favorite hymn is "Great is Thy Faithfulness."
- I think sandwiches at the beach taste much better than they do at home.
- I can't stand orange juice with pulp.
- I worry way too much about what people think about me.
- I wish I was more creative and "artsy."
- I tend to laugh at moments that aren't always, funerals, and other serious situations. (Usually this laughter is caused by other people like my husband or my dear friend who sits by me in choir--you know who you are!!!)
- I am married to my best friend and I love him more and more each day and I am surprised that he puts up with me sometimes.
- I am in awe of how much the Lord loves me and I desire to live whole-heartily and selflessly for Him.
Is it just me or are waiting rooms usually uncomfortable and unpleasant?? The chairs are uncomfortable, the magazines are out of date, the TV (if there is a TV) is playing an annoying game show or infomercial, and the temperature is either too hot or too cold. Not many people desire to spend time in a waiting room and I think it is safe to say that most of us like to spend as little time as possible in one.
Recently, I have found myself in the waiting room of life. I have circumstances that are out of my control that I am just having to wait on. Lately, the waiting has become a little uncomfortable. I have a bit of a "Type-A" personality and this waiting around just isn't my "thing." I want things accomplished, finished, and checked off my to-do list...but I am having to wait...and wait...and wait...I'm beginning to grow frustrated and wondering why I'm not being called out of the waiting room...but...then I am reminded that as I wait...His grace is sufficient and He will help me persevere through the turmoil of waiting. As I wait, He is pulling me and stretching me to realize that His thoughts are higher than my thoughts. And that maybe, what I'm waiting for may just take a little more time.
So as I wrestle with waiting, I know that the waiting room is not a permanent place, but a place for Him to mold me into His likeness.
Well, it is mid-January and I am now reflecting on the previous year...But in my reflection, the song How Do You Measure a Year comes to mind. Seriously, how do you measure a year???
When I think back on 2010, nothing really significant comes to my mind. However, one experience was pretty life-changing---our mission trip to Jamaica. It truly was an awesome experience serving the Lord and watching our students whole-heartily being the hands and feet of Christ for about a week.
But really, how do you measure a year??? My only hope is that in the 525,600 minutes within last year were God-honoring. However, I have a feeling that if I kept a log of every minute of every day, there would be more time devoted to myself rather than to my Lord and others. There were probably way too many minutes devoted to Facebook, TV, and other mindless activities that don't amount to anything.
But thanks be to God, because while I wasted countless minutes, He is faithful to His children.
But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. -Psalm 86:15