Friday, July 8, 2011

If We Really Knew...

The last several months have spurred a lot of controversy in the media. First, the assassination of Osama Bin Laden and then the recent verdict of the Casey Anthony trial. More than likely, we will all remember where we were when we heard the news of each incident like watching OJ's white Bronco some 17 years ago . However, when the news broke of each of these recent cases, many Christians across our nation and world responded in ways that I thought were out of character.

On July 5 at about lunch time, my Facebook newsfeed was filled with hate, bitterness, and anger. One comment even referenced who Casey Anthony would be joined with in Hell. After reading these comments, I remembered the comments I had read about 2 months earlier that were joyous and celebratory after hearing of the death of Bin Laden. It seemed strange to me that Christians were rejoicing that an individual, who was created in the image of God, the same God that I (and many, many others) serve and love, was now suffering (and will for eternity) in Hell. It bothered me that so many believers were delighted that Osama was in Hell and that they were enraged that Casey Anthony didn't receive her death sentence...That got me thinking...if we really knew how bad Hell is, would we still want evil doers, such as Osama Bin Laden, Timothy McVeigh, Adolf Hitler, to suffer for eternity??

The Scriptures speak of Hell being a dark and miserable place--a place where no one would want to be for eternity, not even for a half a second. If we, including myself, really understood how terrible and permanent Hell really is, then I think we (including myself again) would do a better job of sharing the Gospel. I think too that we should be heart-broken over those who reject Christ rather than "writing them off" because they don't accept the gift offered to them. Instead, we should continue to share the love of Christ with them regardless of their decision. Thinking about all this has challenged me to take the Gospel more seriously and I hope it will challenge you too.

Preach the Gospel at all times; If necessary, use words.
--St. Francis of Assisi

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