Tuesday, March 20, 2012

31 Things

Today is someone special's 31st birthday...so I thought I would do something fun and share 31 things I adore about him...

  1. He loves the Lord more than he loves me.
  2. His passion for the Gospel and making disciples.
  3. He is good to me--plain and simple.
  4. His calves. :))
  5. He doesn't laugh (at least not out loud) at my idiotic blonde moments.
  6. He takes me to Bama football games.
  7. When he goes shopping with me and I can't decide between 2 things he always says, "Just get both." 
  8. He says the above statement with smile, not with an exasperated sigh.
  9. He sends me goofy/silly texts or emails throughout the day that make me smile and laugh even when I am having a rough day.
  10. He will make a great daddy one day. (No news to share on that subject...just saying.)
  11. He brings me Reese Cup blizzards with extra Reese Cups.
  12. He makes me laugh.
  13. He can not keep a secret.
  14. He doesn't laugh at me when I talk to our dog like a real person.
  15. He sings cheesy country love songs to me.
  16. He takes good care of me when I am sick.
  17. He always lets me have the last bite of dessert.
  18. He is patient with me when I am trying to make a decision.
  19. He randomly buys me little surprises.
  20. He tells me I am beautiful.
  21. He lets me steal the covers.
  22. He tolerates my obsession with laying out all day on the beach and sacrifices the heat to be with me.
  23. He makes the best homemade pimento cheese.
  24. He pays the bills each month.
  25. He has a contagious laugh.
  26. He never rarely complains at the junk I collect.
  27. He is kind to everyone he meets.
  28. He will probably be embarrassed by this list.
  29. He is good at everything he does.
  30. He makes life fun.
  31. He chose me to me his wife.

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